One of the most important things to know about receiving flowers is how to take care of your bouquet. There are some tips that can easily prolong the life of your bouquet.
The easiest thing you can do to take care of your bouquet is to give your flowers a fresh snip. This helps them take up water more easily. Cut at a 45 degree angle. If there are daffodils in your arrangement, let them sit in a separate container for about 3 hours until placing them with the rest of your bouquet.
Change the water in your bouquet daily. After you give them a fresh snip, you want to ensure that they are taking up clean water.
Keep your bouquet out of direct sunlight and away from any fruit. Both will cause your bouquet to deteriorate more quickly.
Every flower has a different vase life. Some just simply last longer than others. Irises have multiple blooms on each stem. Once the first bloom starts to wilt, you can snap it off for the others to bloom. Follow these tips and enjoy your flowers.